Collection: Atisbos

A collection of my mother's poetry I translated into English, which we presented at the Madrid Book Fair, 2021.


La locura ha traspasado los muros
de la conciencia
Ríe perdida
en la entraña nacarada
de su desconcierto

Madness has stormed the walls
of consciousness
Lost, she laughs
in the pearly guts
of wonder


el corazón de lo visible
de lo invisible
de la flor que se deshoja
para mostrarnos
su agonía

the heart of the visible
of the invisible
of the flower
that strips off her petals
to expose her agony


Soné que yacíamos
juntos tú y yo
pero yo no era yo
y tú no eras tú
y yo no eras tú
y tú no eras yo
pero estábamos solos
muy juntos los dos
yacíamos juntos
solos tú y vo
apenas sabiendo
que tú no eras tú
y yo no era yo
pero solos yacíamos
muy juntos
los dos

I dreamt we lay together
you and I
but I wasn't me
and you weren't you
and I wasn't you
and you weren't me
but we were alone
and very close
the two of us
we lay together alone
you and I
barely knowing
that you weren't you
and I wasn't me
but alone we lay together
very close
the two of us


Me ha llegado la hora final
morir con dignidad
es mi deseo
Puntualidad es lo correcto
en este momento tan excelso
Espero que el tiempo
llegue a tiempo

My final hour has arrived
I wish
to die with dignity
Punctuality is called for
at this exalted moment
I hope time
is on time


Vivimos para morir
y dejamos nuestra huella
en la cicatriz abierta
de un poema

We live to die
and leave our mark
in the open scar
of a poem